MacHack 1997
MacHack 1997.toast
Hacks ’97
source code
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C/C++ Source or Header
253 lines
#include <Icons.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <Memory.h>
ShowINIT compatible routine that shows 'ICN#' and 'iclx' flavor icons.
For use by all INITs in System 7 and beyond.
This code is based on Patrick C. Beard's ShowIconFamily
by Patrick C. Beard, which in turn was derived from the
original ShowInit by Paul Mercer, Darin Adler,
Paul Snively, and Steve Capps.
Modified by James W. Walker for compatibility with IconWrap 1.2,
for use as a separate code resource, and to use the new System 7
icon-drawing routines. This code is in the public domain.
Addresses for James W. Walker: 76367,2271@compuserve.com or
Instructions for use:
• Create a family of icons with ResEdit 2.1 or later. This will
include 'ICN#', 'icl4', & 'icl8' icons, all with the
same resource ID.
To use within a larger INIT project:
• #define SEPARATE_CODE 0 below.
• Call ShowIcon7( id, adv ) with the resource id of
the family that you used. The Boolean parameter adv
indicates whether you want the next use of ShowIcon7
to advance to a new position. Normally you pass TRUE,
but you can get an animated-icon effect by passing FALSE
all except the last time you call ShowIcon7.
To use as a separate code resource:
• #define SEPARATE_CODE 1 below.
• Set the project type to code resource, set the code type
and resource ID (I use type 'Code', ID -4048 for cdevs),
compile and merge into your INIT or cdev file.
Set the resource type to Locked, so you won't have
to call HLock when you use it.
• In your main INIT code, call ShowIcon7 like so:
pascal void (*ShowIcon7)( short resid, Boolean adv );
Handle show_init;
show_init = GetResource( 'Code', -4048 );
ShowIcon7 = (pascal void (*)(short, Boolean))
StripAddress( *show_init );
ShowIcon7( iconID, advance );
#define ShowIcon7 main /* JWW */
#ifndef nil
#define nil ((void*)0L)
#ifndef topLeft
#define topLeft(r) ((Point*)&r)[0])
#ifndef botRight
#define botRight(r) ((Point*)&r)[1])
typedef struct myQDGlobals {
char privates[76];
long randSeed;
BitMap screenBits;
Cursor arrow;
Pattern dkGray;
Pattern ltGray;
Pattern gray;
Pattern black;
Pattern white;
GrafPtr thePort;
long end;
} myQDGlobals;
/* prototypes */
pascal void ShowIcon7(short iconId, Boolean advance);
static void DrawBWIcon( short iconId, Rect *icon_rect, Boolean visible );
static void Next_position( void );
static void GetIconRect( register Rect* iconRect, Rect *screen_rect );
/* this is where it all happens. */
pascal void ShowIcon7( short iconId, Boolean advance )
long oldA5;
myQDGlobals qd; /* our QD globals. */
SysEnvRec environment; /* machine configuration. */
CGrafPort gp; /* our grafport. */
Rect icon_rect;
OSErr err;
/* get a value for A5, a structure that mirrors qd globals. */
oldA5 = SetA5((long)&qd.end);
/* find out what kind of machine this is. */
SysEnvirons(curSysEnvVers, &environment);
GetIconRect( &icon_rect, &qd.screenBits.bounds );
The old IconWrap INIT patches CopyBits but does not know about
CopyMask or IconDispatch. So in the color case, we draw the
black and white icon with an empty mask region.
if ( (environment.systemVersion >= 0x0700) && environment.hasColorQD )
DrawBWIcon( iconId, &icon_rect, false );
err = PlotIconID( &icon_rect, atNone, ttNone, iconId );
DrawBWIcon( iconId, &icon_rect, true );
if (advance)
Next_position(); /* JWW */
ShowInit's information is nestled at the tail end of CurApName.
It consists of a short which encodes the next horizontal offset,
and another short which is that value checksummed with the function below.
#define CurApName_LM 0x910
#define ShowINITTable ((unsigned short*)(CurApName_LM + 32 - 4))
#define CheckSumConst 0x1021 /* magic value to check-sum with. */
#define InitialXPosition 8 /* initial horizontal offset. */
#define YOffset 40 /* constant from bottom to place the icon. */
#define XOffset 40 /* amount to change it by. */
#define ICON_WIDTH 32
#define kDefaultRes 0x00480000 /* Default resolution is 72 DPI; Fixed type */
/* CheckSum() computes the magic value to determine if ShowInit's have run already. */
static short CheckSum(register unsigned short x)
// asm {
// rol.w #1, x
// }
if (x & 0x8000) /* high bit set */
return((x << 1) ^ CheckSumConst ^ 0x01);
return ((x << 1) ^ CheckSumConst);
GetIconRect() generates an appropriate rectangle to display the
next INIT's icon in.
It is also responsible for updating the horizontal
position in low memory. This is a departure from
the original ShowInit code, which updates low
memory AFTER displaying the icon. -- changed by JWW
This code won't generate an icon position until it is certain that the icon can be loaded, so the
same behaviour occurs.
This routine also generates a rectangle which is guaranteed to be onscreen. It
does this by taking the horizontal offset modulo the screen width to generate
the horizontal position of the icon, and the offset divided by the screen
width to generate the proper row.
static void GetIconRect(register Rect* iconRect, Rect *screen_rect )
register short screenWidth;
screenWidth = screen_rect->right - screen_rect->left;
screenWidth -= screenWidth % XOffset;
/* if we are the first INIT to run we need to initialize the horizontal value. */
if (CheckSum(ShowINITTable[0]) != ShowINITTable[1])
ShowINITTable[0] = InitialXPosition;
/* compute top left of icon's rect. */
iconRect->left = (ShowINITTable[0] % screenWidth);
iconRect->top = screen_rect->bottom -
YOffset * (1 + (ShowINITTable[0] / screenWidth));
iconRect->right = iconRect->left + 32;
iconRect->bottom = iconRect->top + 32;
JWW: In Beard's original version, this was done at the end of
GetIconRect. That caused incorrect behavior when IconWrap 1.2 was
used to wrap icons. Namely, if an INIT using that version of
ShowIconFamily was the first in a row, then the second icon in that
row would land on top of it.
static void Next_position( void )
/* advance the position for the next icon. */
ShowINITTable[0] += XOffset;
/* recompute the checksum. */
ShowINITTable[1] = CheckSum(ShowINITTable[0]);
/* DrawBWIcon() draws the 'ICN#' member of the icon family. */
void DrawBWIcon( short iconId, Rect *icon_rect, Boolean visible )
Handle icon;
BitMap source, destination;
RgnHandle empty_mask;
GrafPtr port;
icon = Get1Resource('ICN#', iconId);
if (!icon)
/* prepare the source and destination bitmaps. */
source.baseAddr = *icon + 128; /* mask address. */
source.rowBytes = 4;
SetRect(&source.bounds, 0, 0, 32, 32);
GetPort( &port );
destination = ((GrafPtr)port)->portBits;
empty_mask = visible? nil : NewRgn();
/* transfer the mask. */
CopyBits(&source, &destination, &source.bounds, icon_rect,
srcBic, empty_mask);
/* and the icon. */
source.baseAddr = *icon;
CopyBits(&source, &destination, &source.bounds, icon_rect,
srcOr, empty_mask);
if (empty_mask) DisposeRgn( empty_mask );